Dalyan (caretta caretta)

Sizes 1-1.5 meters, weights 150 pounds that found these cute animals, and go to the beach, use his back legs are opening and the various pits and are returning to sea, leaving the eggs that are most appropriate. Hatching an egg when the day is over are turning to moonlight as a compass and the sea instinct. But this job is not very easy. Loggerhead hatchlings reach the sea beach nice tiny feet takes lot of time. Things they need to navigate the path until it starts warming up in the sun. They are defeated, they'll be eaten or the Birds beat the heat and the recipient. Of course, the danger does not end at sea. Until it reaches a certain size, they feed the fish. Very few can reach their maximum size. Buyuyup when they came back to earth made it to the spawning period in the instincts that draws on the beach. This time they come to the Iztuzu beach they hatched to spawn. When it's time to get baby out of the egg on the beach, light a fire ban or throwing the puppies can't find the light and the sea.

The time of ovulation environmentalists from around the world are setting up camp on the beach. Eggs are protected. This is the time when pups are being awarded to support to reach the sea.


Dalyan (caretta caretta)
Dalyan (caretta caretta)
Dalyan (caretta caretta)
Dalyan (caretta caretta)
Dalyan (caretta caretta)
Dalyan (caretta caretta)
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