Iztuzu beach in Dalyan

Giant turtles Iztuzu Beach (caretta caretta), and became world famous. One end of the beach facilities at the mouth at the other end of Iztuzu Beach Daily beach facilities. The sandy beach stretches for miles. Iztuzu Beach is accessible by road from Dalyan. Delta asphalt road resulting from Dalyan, sulungur coast by following down through the village to the beach. Rising closer to the beach to take pictures on the road has the appropriate openings. All the Delta and the sea Panorama.

The beach villa to the nearest beach to the mouth of the boat is taking minibuses. A small natural channel that connects the beach to the sea the water of the lake is split longitudinally. Sunbathe on the beach after a swim you can shower with fresh water on the other side of the lake. Gives great pleasure in the opportunity to swim in both salt and fresh water.

Cabins and facilities have kiosks where you can drink something cool. Umbrellas you can hire. However, measures are being taken to avoid damage to the eggs of the umbrella.
Almost every season you can see turtles in Dalyan channel length of 1 meter. Nile turtles (trionyx Triunguis), also known as caretta has nothing to do with this species. And fish prey on hoofed feet.


Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
Iztuzu beach in Dalyan
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